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Cladiella pachyclados

Leather Coral, Colt Coral, Blushing Coral

Jenn Yee Chan (2013)



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References & Links

References & Links

Alino, PM & Coll, JC 1989, ‘Observations of the synchronized mass spawning and post settlement activity of octocorals on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Biological Aspects’, Bulletin of Marine Science, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 697-707.

Benayahu, Y & Loya, Y 1985, ‘Settlement and recruitment of a soft coral: Why is Xenia macrospiculata a successful colonizer?’, Bulletin of Marine Science, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 177-188.

Benayahu, Y & Loya, Y 1987, ‘Long-term recruitment of soft-corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) on artificial substrata at Eliat (Red Sea)’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 38, pp. 161-167.

Coll, JC Leone, PA Bowden, BF  Carroll, AR Koenig, GM Heaton, A Nys, R Maida, M & Alino, PM 1995,  ‘Chemical aspects of mass spawning in corals. 2. (-)-Epi-thunbergol, the sperm attractant in the eggs of the soft coral Lobophytum crassum (Cnidaria: Octocorallia)’, Marine Biology, vol. 123, pp. 137-143.

Fabricius, KE 1995, ‘Slow population turnover in the soft coral genera Sinularia and Sarcophyton on mid- and outer- shelf reefs of the Great Barrier Reef’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 126, pp. 145-152.

Fabricius, K & Alderslade, P 2001, Soft Corals and Sea Fans: A comprehensive guide to the tropical shallow-water genera of the Central-West Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Queensland, Australia.

Hartnoll, RG 1975, ‘The annual cycle of Alcyonium digitatum’, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 3, pp. 71-78.

Hassan, HM Khanfar, MA Elnagar, AY Mohammed, R Shaala, LA Youssef, DTA Hifnawy, MS & El Sayed, KA 2010, ‘Pachycladins A-E, Prostate Cancer Invasion and Migration Inhibitory Eunicellin-Based Diterpenoids from the Red Sea Soft Coral Cladiella pachyclados’, Journal of Natural Products, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 848-853.

Horridge, GA 1956, ‘The Responses of Heteroxenia (Alcyonaria) to Stimulation and to Some Inorganic Ions’, The Journal of Experimental Biology, vol. 33, pp. 604-614.

McBirney, C & Brough, C nd, Colt Coral, Animal-World: Pet and Animal Information, viewed 15 October 2013, <>.  

Radhika, P 2006, ‘Chemical constituents and biological activities of the soft corals of genus Cladiella: Areview’, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 781-789.

Ruppert, E Fox, R Barnes, R 2004, Invertebrate Zoology, 7thedn, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, Belmont, USA.

Simpson, A nd, Reproduction in Octocorals (Subclass Octocorallia): A Review of Published Literature, University of Maine, Darling Marine Center, viewed 17 October 2013, <>.

Thiel, AJ 1997, Cladiella Corals –The Colt Corals, 3 February, viewed 21 October 2013, <>.  

Walker, TA & Bull, GD 1983, ‘A newly discovered method of reproduction in gorgonian coral’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 12, pp. 137-143.

